D-Link NTC-001 RJ45, RJ11 Crimping Tool

Original price was: KSh 1,800.00.Current price is: KSh 1,700.00.

crimping tool

Original price was: KSh 1,800.00.Current price is: KSh 1,700.00.

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D-Link NTC-001 RJ45, RJ11 Crimping Tool

D-Link Crimping Tool is very handy and easy to use device. RJ 45, RJ 12 and RJ 11

connectors as required. It is used in the installation of cabling system. It does not

damage the shelled wire and works conveniently with high efficiency. This crimping


tool is ideal for technicians for crimping any type of structured cabling.

Modular Plugs 8P8C RJ-45, 6P6C RJ-12 and 4P4C RJ-11

  •  All-steel handles (with padding)
  • Built-in cable stripper with stop to ensure correct strip length continuity tester